16 February 2012


I forgot to mention two things that you may be wondering after reading through my last post. One, no, Liam did not need to be worked up for an immune system disorder. Praise the Lord. He did get one little cold before turning four months old, however since he was able to clear the bug in a normal amount of time, the doctor felt that his immune system was working pretty darn well. Phew. And two, no we do not know how Liam got sick in the first place. Over the course of our two week stay we had seven attending physicians tell us that they were uncertain as to how Liam acquired the bug that he did, and three of those physicians told me each in their individual way "Well mommy, this is why you don't let anyone but you and the daddy hold a newborn baby until they are 6 weeks old. And this is why you don't bring your baby anywhere until he is 6 weeks old." They meant well, I assume, but all I could hear is that somehow Liam's illness was directly caused by something that we did. I've racked my brain and I cannot think of a single person I know who has stayed inside for 6 weeks with their newborn baby, nor can I think of anyone who has not passed their baby around to be held by and loved on by others. Needless to say, when our last two sets of friends to have babies offered for me to hold their newborns, I tearfully declined. And I will apologize in advance for going into hiding when baby Ward #2 comes into the picture. (No, I am not pregnant. Just thinking ahead.)
The best guess we received as to how Liam became septic was either that he acquired the bug from a visitor's skin (GBS lives on 30% of the population's skin according to one of our doctors), or that Liam had a deeply seeded pneumonia that eventually took off and spread to his blood stream. We will never know. But we do know that he is healed, and that is more than enough for me.

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